Aid is a
transfer of resources from a MEDC to a LEDC. Aid includes money, equipment,
food, training, skilled people and loans.

Short term aid (emergency aid)
Long term aid (sustainable aid)
- Short term
aid is for immediate relief in emergencies such as famines, earthquakes,
floods and droughts.
- Emergency
aid saves lives.
- This
includes money, food, blankets, tents and medical supplies.
- Long term
aid is for economic and social development.
- Its
purpose is to improve the quality of life for people living in LEDCs.
- Long
term aid can improve the standard of living of people living in LEDCs
of short term aid
- Short
term aid gives help which can save lives immediately.
- Short
term aid can develop into long term aid after a disaster, as people in MEDCs
realise how poor people are in the affected zone.
of long term aid
- New
industries can develop which improves peoples chances of getting skills and
long term employment.
- It can
lead to improvements in long term farming methods – introducing new crops and
better land management practises.
- Trade
with the donor country may continue into the future.
- Schools, hospitals, roads, dams
and other infrastructure projects improve the lives of many people and will
last for a long time.
- Give two
advantages/disadvantages of aid?
- Using examples
explain why some countries need aid?
- Using
examples describe and explain two types of aid?
- What are
the advantages of emergency aid to a country you have studied?