Wednesday 8 February 2012


India’s climate is dominated by monsoons. Monsoon is a tropical phenomenon.
Monsoons are strong, often violent winds that change direction with the season.

The Indian subcontinent, lying northwards of the equator up to the Himalayas, lies primarily in the tropical zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

It involves winds blowing from the south-west direction from the Indian Ocean onto the Indian landmass during the months of June through September.

The South-West Monsoon are rain-bearing on-shore winds, blowing from sea to land, and bring rains to most parts of the subcontinent. The Monsoon winds are eagerly awaited in most parts of India for their agricultural and economic importance.

Subsequently later in the year, around October, these winds reverse direction and start blowing from north direction. The North-East Monsoon are off-shore winds. Given their land to sea flow, from subcontinent onto the Indian Ocean, they have less moisture and bring rain to only limited parts of India. This is known as the North-East Monsoon.