Friday 7 December 2012

Activity at plate boundaries

Type of plate boundary

Description of changes
Earthquake / volcanic activity
Constructive zone
Two crusts / plates move away from each other.
Moderate volcanic and earthquake activity.
Mid-Atlantic ridge.
Destructive zone
Oceanic crust / plate moves towards continental crust / plate. The oceanic crust is heavier and sinks.
Violent volcanic and earthquake activity.
Nazca and South American plates.
Collision zone
Two continental crusts / plates collide and are forced up into fold mountains.
Earthquake activity, (no volcanic activity).
Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates.
Conservative zone
Two plates move sideways past each other.
Violent earthquake activity (no volcanic activity).
Pacific and North American plates.
San Andreas, California.

Type of plate boundary
Constructive zone

Destructive zone

Collision zone

Conservative zone